To maximize our time and reduce your expense, please review the following suggestions on how to best prepare your tax documents for us to process the data for your tax returns. All tax documents are required for your taxes to be prepared, even if you submit the organizer.
There are a few different ways to submit your tax documents to us:
Postal mail and drop off to our Littleton address.
Digital copies – Upload documents through secure portal on our website, www.cpadenverco.com
If submitting hard copies – postal mail or dropping off at the office:
Use paper clips vs. staples.
Copy auto registrations and any small documents to 8 x 10 paper
Receipts – No need to submit actual receipts, instead please submit a spreadsheet that is labeled with your name and tax year that has the receipts categorized and totaled. This applies to Charitable contributions and Rental Properties, etc. You can request a blank worksheet.
It is best if you provide our office with legible copies of the original tax documents instead of sending originals. This is especially true when using postal mail.
Take documents out of envelopes.
If submitting digital copies:
Please use the secure portal instead of emailing tax documents to keep your identifying information safe.
PDF format is preferred, please do not upload pictures of documents.
Label spreadsheets with name and tax year
Mueller Accounting & Tax Services
We’re In The Business Of Helping Yours